What is Feng Shui and what does it mean?

“Feng” means wind and “Shui” means water, and in Chinese culture wind and water represent harmony and abundance. Feng Shui then, is associated with good health, wealth and relationships. 

Based on the ancient Chinese Taoist vision and understanding of nature, the concept is that the land is alive and filled with energy, which is known as Qi.

My personal belief is that you can't have wealth without health. No matter how much money you have, you can't buy back your health. Relationships are about abundant harmony and connection, whether that's your family, friends work colleagues or intimate connections. We all strive for easy communication in our relationships, and when they are in flow, there is harmony. 

In simplistic terms, Feng Shui is the art of arranging objects, buildings and space to achieve abundant harmony and balance; something we all strive for in every aspect of our lives, whether we're aware that it's Feng Shui that can help us get there, or not! 

Qi (sometimes known as Chi) is made up of both yin and yang elements, and while these are opposing, they are also complementary forces that cannot be separated. Taoist principles teach that by balancing yin and yang elements, we can vastly improve the flow of positive qi in our lives while keeping the negative qi away. Feng Shui is the method of balancing yin and yang, and improving the flow of qi in our home, workplace or personal lives by the careful arranging of objects in a beneficial way, and creating positive qi can ensure good health, improve our personal and work relationships, and bring luck and prosperity.

There is no easy-fix for Feng Shui, and a 1:1 consultation with an experienced and certified Feng Shui practitioner looks at all the aspects of your home, office or personal life, to assist you and guide you in knowing what items to place near or far away from doors and windows for example, because qi can enter and leave through those openings. The easiest way to change Feng Shui in a room is to add or move one of the five elements, which are water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. All materials can be classified as one of these five types. Your Feng Shui practitioner will teach you how mixing, combining, or subtracting these items can quickly improve the flow of positive qi.

If you'd like to explore Feng Shui and how it can change your life and support your home environment and your personal relationships, wealth and health, we have a number of 1:1 consultations you can book. This chart shows you where to star, but you might like to begin with a free 20-minute Qi Chat with Feng Shui practitioner Leanne Carius! 

getting started with feng shui consulations with Leanne Carius Practitioner
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