Finishing 2021 Strong

Finishing 2021 Strong

 Well what a big year for so many of us.

Well what a big year for so many of us.

For some it has been loss and saying goodbye to those that have been our closest soul connections.

For some it has been success, growth and building their dreams.

For some it has been expansion and reflection while for others it has just been bloody hard.

And for others is has been a mix of all the above mixed with laughter, joy and creating some peace.

Its been about finding our feet a little more, letting Mumma Earth heal us and plugging into that which is for our highest good. Sometimes we don't know what that is but we just need to trust the process.

I know easy said than done in so many ways.

I know it was popular a while back to pick a word and make that our mantra for the year and I didn't find it work much for me.

I found I needed more than 1 word or my words changed but what I have found this year is a process, ritual or habit depending on your words - I am just going to allow.

I am going to allow myself to get my feet on the ground more.

An amazing colleague of mine encouraged me to read a book called "Earthing" by Clint Ober. This book changed my way of being the last months of 2021.

There is even a documentary worth watching as well. 

It is well worth a read. Even if you can get your feet in the earth occasionally its better than never. "Earthing" is my new habit and if I mix that with my Human Qi

I know I can face anything and everything for 2022.

2022 will be a mixed year as well with the wood and water energy of the Tiger year.  We are going to be in a swift flow, but with the potential for a lot of growth in our prosperity, and that is what ever that is for you.

There is not a lot of fire element in the yearly chart this year so we need to make sure we bring some of that yang fire element into our energy to create balance.

Balance is going to be so important this year and there will never be a better year than this one in 2022 to make good use of your Human Qi -

Your destiny can create a lot of opportunities so be ready.

How this year travels will be up to you in more ways than you want to believe.

Trust your Human Qi and start working with it now to let go of what was and get ready for what is.

Changing Qi Feng Shui ing
Leanne and Team Feng Shui

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