How do you expand your Human Luck?
Human luck is a 1/3 of the lucks in Feng Shui.
It is as important as,
Heaven Luck - that which we are born with and given for our destiny.
Earth Luck - that which is where we live. Its the Feng Shui energy of your environment.
How do you expand and improve your Human Luck?

We have the most control over our Human Luck.
We alone are the ones who can make more Human Luck with some simple steps.
*Believe that you have got this. Your mindset is such an important factor in starting to create more Human Luck.
What are you thinking - change 1 thought today to be more positive and see the difference in just 1 day.
*Open yourself to opportunities that are surrounding you - no matter how small they seem they could become great moments in growth for you.
Success is only as far away as you allow it to get.
*Encourage yourself to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the dreams and desires that you have.
*The most important is - MOVE - get off the couch - take ACTION and make things happen. You have to physically do something.
One of my favs which I forget to do sometimes is to simply ask.
Ask the universe or whoever you need to support you and help you.
Ask for signs, guidance and pathways to open for you.
Make that call, find that mentor, research the knowledge that you need - get ready to embrace the energy of the North in 2022 as it is a dual VICTORY Qi or the energy of the North East for knowledge and skills to grow.
You got this.
Human Lucking Feng Shui ing
Leanne and Team Feng Shui