
Okay, break out the cheesy dad jokes, Christmas shirts….
It’s that time of year Christmas Eve.
This is actually our “quiet” Christmas year as all our kids are with their partner families for Christmas.
Rob and I will celebrate quiet and slow this year.
For those of you who are finding this time a challenge, there is no judgment here. It can be less than merry for some.
I have taken a few moments to think about what this year for us.
The Year we ___________
Well, it all depends on where you were, the circumstances of your life and the energy that was surrounding you this year, and of course where you lived.
We may have seen the signs.
That something was coming, it was going to be big, a huge adjustment, a changing of Qi, and energy that was going to challenge us.
A year that would disrupt our possibility and shake our souls.
I sat and asked myself this question this morning and here is what I answered.

I have been blessed. I truly am.
But with that blessing I have learned no matter what is happening, to trust that the universe has my back and what is meant for me will not pass me.
If life is going to deal me a hand that I would rather not have, I can lay those cards down and ask the dealer to deal me some new ones.
I trust all that is happening for me is for my greater good or I simply have to ask for a different deck of cards.
That’s not to say that there were no tears this year.
I did have one huge challenge.
The family we had not seen for over 12 months, it was hard, real hard.
So, the challenge 2020 gave me was a connection or lack of it.
For me, 2020 and her lessons, were about less, less stuff, and more about connection.
It was a year of reality – How much do you really need?
Or the real question for many was – What do we really need?
I take my hat off to you – those who reinvented themselves and their businesses reinvented the life they were living to create a new way.
Those of you who took a chance and that leap of faith into something new.
Congratulations on being so brave.
I applaud those of you who found creative ways to remain connected even when it was hard.
2020 was about gaining clarity on what is real, important, and what we should let go of.
Letting go of the things that chain us to an existence that is not who we really want to be,
who we should be, who we were destined to be.
How many of you have found new ways to become more than you could ever imagine you could have?
Let’s not forget the grief that so many of you felt this year with the loss of loved ones.
I would not even begin to say I can imagine your pain as that would be such an untruth.
I can not image your pain or your loss during 2020, but I do hope that you have found support and connection to help you heal.

To the families that are apart for Christmas this year, my thoughts are with you. That is hard and one I know well.
To those who can connect and share time after such a long year, go on celebrate, connect, and share enjoy.
Hug, love, laugh, and be merry.
This holiday season, may you find what fills your hearts and hang on to it.
A connection is valuable and yes, we feel vulnerable when connecting sometimes.
2020 you are almost completed and thank you for the learnings, the lessons, and the moments of connection that we could create.
I am climbing out of 2020 ready for a very different 2021.
I would like to leave with the words from my beautiful daughter in law and our son who have just left to head back to Sydney again – Yes back into lock down.
“We have left with full hearts.” Xx
Thanks for the little visit.
Take care, love each other and connect where you can,
See you in 2021. The Year of the Golden Ox.